23 Oct

The artificial intelligence development has come a long way in recent years to bridge the gap between theoretical conversations and what are now the practical possibilities, and nowhere are the most exciting opportunities in the automotive industry. Between the designs of the cars we drive now and the process of their manufacture, there is plenty of room for the AI to develop, save money and make the process of automatically taking and driving safer overall.

Common uses of artificial intelligence

Here are some of how automakers use AI and provide a safer driving experience, more effective while streamlining their processes to contain values.

Driver assistance

With advanced driver assistance functions, many of which are available in cars and trucks today, AI systems warn drivers of dangerous road conditions monitor the blind spots in the driver's view, help management, and take automated action to help vehicles avoid accidents and dangerous situations.

Autonomous vehicles

In the automotive industry, autonomous vehicles are the new Holy Grail. The manufacturers and their technology partners are working overtime to develop AI-controlled systems to allow self-driving cars and trucks. These systems incorporate a wide range of compatible technologies AI, such as learning neural networks in-depth, natural language processing, and gesture control features, providing the brain for vehicles that can safely be driven, with or without a human driver on board.

Vehicles connected

AI is a key technology for connected vehicles. For example, AI can monitor and predict component failures, vehicle manufacturers and owners can work proactively to prevent problems. It can also provide drivers with Geolocation information and personalized advertising to help them find the things they need. Similarly, AI-compatible systems can send data driving and accident insurance companies, which could provide incentives for safe driving habits.


AI allows applications that cover the floor of the vehicle construction. Car manufacturers can use AI-controlled systems to create programs and manage workflow, enabling robots to work safely human sides on factory floors and assembly lines and identify defects in the components used in cars and trucks. These capabilities can help manufacturers reduce costs and downtime of production lines while offering better-finished products to consumers.

Quality control

Quality control, such as inspection of painted car bodies, is done by human workers. This method is prone to errors and is relatively slow. But even automated methods can decompose due to many variables in the test environment. If the lighting is perfect or the product is mounted a little out for inspection, the current method can give false positives. In contrast, QC AI-enabled visuals can filter these issues to focus on defects only. The artificial intelligence system constantly learns to improve its analysis based on the feedback. Using these methods, equipment powered by AI can visually inspect and provide superior QC on various products such as machined parts, painted bodies, metal surfaces, and texture.

Supply Chain

In the global economy today, automakers have extremely complex supply chains that span many geographies. Any problems or supply chain failures can be extremely expensive. With AI, manufacturers can better control their supply chains, including planning, logistics, inventory tracking, and management. For example, the AI-controlled systems can predict the complex interactions between the production units and to automate requests for parts, labor, tools, and repairs.


So I hope you have a clear idea of how artificial intelligence plays an important role in the revolution in the world. There are various sectors in which artificial intelligence leaves its incredible impact. Because of the highest significance of AI, various mobile app development companies in Doha are creating AI-based mobile applications. 

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